A healthcare software that integrates new services for all parties in the healthcare market with the existing medical system.
An EESZT (National eHealth Infrasturcutre)-wide, innovative and user-friendly web application for data delivery, accessible from any smart device, with the aim of providing extensive support for the workflow of private clients.
An integrated computer information system suitable for the effective support of outpatient and inpatient care with an EESZT-certified user and patient.
Complex laboratory service, with the aim of which is the full IT support of the operation of the laboratory sampling site.
A patient-centric web application designed to enhance the efficiency and speed of emergency patient care - by providing severity ranking.
Communication interface suitable for data transfer between independent IT systems.
A web application suitable for IT support of histological and cytological examinations accredited by EESZT.
A web application for doctors to prescribe medicines. It can speed up and simplify daily patient care.
Az IS4 egy egészségügyi szolgáltatói platform, amely hatékonyan biztosítja az egészségügyi szolgáltatásokra történő előjegyzést és a kezelésekkel kapcsolatos folyamatok figyelemmel kísérését. Az IS4 egy kisegítő alkalmazás, amely aktív internet kapcsolat segítségével érhető el.
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